Legal notice

We protect your data Document amended January 5, 2016. If you do not accept the terms and conditions of use as set forth herein, you should cease to use this service.

Introduction – duty of information: At SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L. we are committed to ensuring the privacy of the data belonging to our contacts and clients. We are fully aware of our responsibilities with regard to best practices concerning personal data.
In compliance with the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce Act 34/2002 of 11 July 2002, we inform you:
The company’s corporate name is SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L, the bearer of Tax ID number B86470846
Its registered office is Avda. del Talgo 200 3A 28023 Madrid
The company’s corporate activity is: Digital Marketing
Registered with the Madrid Companies Register: Entry 1. Volume 29,992. Book 0, Section 8. Folio 1. Sheet M539753

General conditions of service These General Conditions regulate the use (including simple access) of the web pages that make up the SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L. website, including the content and services featured therein. All users of the website agree to be bound by the General Conditions applicable at any time. Access to and/or use of this website attributes visitors the condition of user, who fully accept, from this point and without any reservation, this Legal notice with regard to the various services and content featured herein. By using of, users undertake not to act in any way that might damage SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L.’s image, interests and rights, or those of third parties, or which may damage, disable or overload the website or otherwise impede the normal use thereof in any way. SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L. shall adopt all security measures as may be deemed reasonable in order to detect viruses. However, users should be aware that the internet security measures on IT systems are not completely reliable. SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L. cannot therefore guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements which produce alterations to the user’s software and hardware or to the electronic documents and files contained therein.

The purpose of our website The services provided by focus on the development of content and provision of marketing, communication and new technology services.
This legal notice regulates the use of
Users shall be kept informed and accept that access to this website does in any sense represent the commencement of a commercial relationship with SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L.
Users undertake to use the website, its services and content without contravening currently applicable law, good faith and public order. The use of the website for illicit or detrimental purposes is strictly prohibited, as is any use which may cause damage to or impede the normal operation of the website.
The total or partial reproduction, distribution or modification the content of this website without the authorization of its legitimate owners is strictly prohibited, as is any infringement of the rights of the service provider or the legitimate owners and the use of any said content for commercial or publicity purposes.

Data gathered by the website With regard to the information that we gather from our users and the purposes for which it is used, we inform you that our website features a personal information capture system:

Contact form: for consultations, suggestions and professional contact.
In these cases we use email addresses to respond to such requests.
In all circumstances, SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L. reserves the right to modify both the presentation and configuration of the website and these General Conditions and corresponding Specific Conditions at any time and without any obligation to give prior notice thereof.

Exclusion of liability and guarantees The service provider does not provide any guarantee nor accept any liability under any circumstances for any damages which might arise from:
Any lack of availability, maintenance and the effective of the website, its service and content;
Any virus, malicious or harmful programs affecting the content;
The illicit, negligent or fraudulent use, contrary to this Legal notice;
The absence of legality, quality, faithfulness, usefulness and availability of the services provided by third parties and made available to website users.
The service provider does not accept any liability under any circumstances for any damages which might arise from the illegal or improper use of this website.

Protection of personal data and confidentiality: SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L. undertakes to use the data included on the file duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency under the name “WEBSITE USERS”, to respect the confidentiality thereof, using the information pursuant to its purposes, as well as complying with its obligation to protect it, adopting all measures to avoid the alteration, loss or unauthorized processing and access of the data, pursuant to that set forth in Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December 2007 approving the Regulation implementing the Protection of Personal Data Act, Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December 1999. Users guarantee that the personal data provided through the form is true. They shall be obliged to give notification of any changes thereto. Users also guarantee that the information provided corresponds to the real situation, is accurate and is kept up-to-date. Furthermore, users are obliged to update all information. They are the only party that may be held liable for the inaccuracy or misrepresentation of the data provided and any damages caused to SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L. as the website owner or to third parties resulting from the use thereof.

The exercise of users' rights With regard to the gathered data, users are informed that they may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancelation and opposition as set forth in Organic Law 15/1999. Users are therefore informed that you may exercise these rights by writing to SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L. postal address (Avenida de Europa 12 Portal 1 1A, 28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid) or by email to, attaching a photocopy of their passport, national identity card or equivalent.

Copyright: Intellectual and industrial property rights No intellectual and industrial property rights to the SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L. website, nor any element thereof are granted through these General Conditions. Users are expressly prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing, publically communicating, making available to the public, extracting, reusing, resending any material, or any other use thereof, by any means or procedure, except in such cases where this is legally permitted or is authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights.
The user is aware of and accepts the entire contents of this website, which includes, but is not limited to, its text, software, content (including it structure, selection, organization and presentation) photographs, audiovisual and graphic material, which are protected by trademark law, copyright and other registered rights, pursuant to all international treaties to which Spain is a signatory, as well as other applicable Spanish property rights and law.
In the event that a user or third party considers that there has been an infringement of its legitimate intellectual property rights through the introduction of certain website content, notifying SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L. thereof and indicating:
The personal details of the owner of the allegedly infringed rights, stating the details of the party acting on their behalf in the event that the claim is presented by a third party other the aforesaid owner of the rights.
Outline the content protected under intellectual property rights and the use thereof on the website, accreditation of the aforesaid intellectual property rights and the express declaration that the interested party assumes full responsibility for the veracity of the information provided in the notification.

External links The individual web pages offer links to other third-party websites. The sole of purpose of these links is to provide the user with the option to access the content that they offer.
SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L. neither offers nor commercializes, either on its own behalf or on behalf of third parties, the information, content and services available on the linked sites, nor does it approve of, supervise or control the content and services or any other material of any kind contained therein in any way. SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L. accepts no liability under any circumstances for the results that the user may derive through accessing the aforesaid links.
Any user wishing to include a link from their website to should first seek written authorization from SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L. Under no circumstance does the existence of such a link represent a relationship between SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L. and the owner of the site offering the aforesaid link, nor SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L.’s acceptance or approval of its content or services.

Governing law and jurisdiction In general, the relation between SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L. and the users of its IT services as outlined on this website is subject to current Spanish legislation. Any possible legal dispute or litigation shall be referred to the courts of the city of Madrid for resolution.

We are always reachable Should the user have any questions regarding these General Conditions or wish to comment on the SAPPIENCIA SOLUTIONS S.L. website, please email us at
