eCommerce Management

You set the targets, we ensure the results

«Well-managed eCommerce has numerous advantages, giving you a complete team with all the digital profiles you need: SEO, SEM, analysts, digital strategists, front-end and back-end developers, all customized to the size of your store.»

You don’t need more staff for project start-up, the most delicate phase and where you will generally have the fewest economic resources.

However, you do at times of transition, when planning a complete restructuring of the department, and you want to draw up new, well-considered profiles, free from day-to-day pressure.

Or during high-sales periods, when you may not have enough staff to meet demand.

Sappiencia also guarantees you: data confidentiality – the knowledge that we will not work simultaneously with your competitors. What’s more, with prior arrangement, we promise not to do so for at least two years after the end of our contract.

You already use eCommerce channels but…
Your conversion rate is still low?
You have little organic traffic?
SEM eats up your profits?
You can’t achieve volume growth?
Sales are very seasonal in nature?
You have a high % of returns?
You want to change platform?
It’s hard for you to ensure customer loyalty?
The dropout rate is very high?
You want to set up an eCommerce channel If you want to set up an eCommerce channel, the most important thing is not deciding the platform you are going to use, but having the answers to the following questions:
Do you know the existing level of demand?
Are your products of a seasonal nature?
Have you calculated the CPA?
Who are your real competitors?
Have you sorted out your logistics?
What about your return policy?
If you have physical stores, what impact will the new sales channel have?
If you are selling your products in a number of countries, have you adapted your eCommerce platform to all local law?
How many products do you handle?
Do they have combinations?
Are there restrictions on their advertising, on products such as weapons, alcohol, sex toys or medicines?
What staffing and economic resources do you have for start-up?

Now we can recommend the platforms that are best suited to meet your needs.
Prestashop, Magento, Woocommerce, OS Commerce, Shopify, Snipcart, etc…
We can help you with:
SEM management
Dashboard design
Process optimization
Customer loyalty strategies
Front- and back-end development
Pricing strategies
Cross-selling and up-selling
Demand forecasting